I Believe

This time of year is my favorite. I am eager and anxious to greet the winter holiday. 

Even though… I overhear many an unrepented Scrooge “bah humbug” the season; and why not I suppose… It’s the one holiday that we start counting down the days to before the embers of the previous Yule log have waned. It is over commercialized, over materialized and satirized.

Of course this is not a 21st century invention, we just perfected its abuse. Christians turned the Roman’s pagan holiday of Saturnalia into Christmas in the name of a higher conversion rate… and Nicholas was just nice benevolent old man with a fine reputation that continued to grow until we turned him into a Macy’s marketing plan. Blah, blah, blah…

christmas beachYet, I eagerly await its and his arrival because I believe...

I believe in the kindness and generosity that Christmas seems to elicit.

I believe in the aroma of kinship rising from the dinner table.

I believe in the laughter that escapes out the door as another friend arrives to join the frivolities and twinkly lights reflecting hope in the snow…or in my case sand.

I believe… and I hope… that I can find a way to keep it in my heart all year.

Peace, Luv, and Holidays,


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