Before you begin let me assure you that this is a short and sweet blog... unlike Uncle Joe's slide show of his trip to... where ever he went. Zzzzzz.....
Top 10 Best Things I love about my Summer
- Campfires and Cribbage – time with my honey
- Lobsters – soft shells, steamed in salty ocean water
- My best Golf game ever, Lucerne Golf Club
- Lucerne Golf Course – my best golf game ever
- Hiking Beach Cliffs – my new fav thanks to Rickie for finding it
- Lobster and Fresh Mussels from our beach - Yum
- Mainers – collectively all of them
- The Margaret Todd – her sails, her full figure sails…
I’ve been trying to compile a top ten list about my summer. I am stuck at number 8… The first few flew out of my head like Emeril Lagassi’s Bam!... Bam Bam Bam!
Now… no Bam…
Then it dawns on me that my summer isn’t over yet… and there is some kinda cosmic force trying to keep me in the Present… in the Moment... the Here and Now. That is really the most challenging concept to practice. Think about it. We either rehash or over analyze or we spend days planning schedules, our vacations, our futures… until our present is one big planning or lessons learned session. Well snap out of it girl!
I have 6 weeks left in Maine. Heather, Mel, and Carlette have yet to visit; I have a hike to get to this morning.
Snap! Just in time too, Brando almost peed on my foot trying to get my attention. I really zone out sometimes. (leave it alone Pedro).
Peace, Luv, and Full Sails, barbie
Perhaps 9 or 10 may have something to do with fall colors and a change in the air! Here in Taos, the elk and bear are already coming down from the peaks; the chipmunks are scrambling; and the hummingbirds are leaving (no more jockeying for space around the many feeders hanging in the campground here.) The air has that clean crispness-- how 'bout you? Summer still in full swing? Becky