Mount Desert Island, what's in a name?

Mount Desert Island… doesn’t sound inviting does it? I think it needs a name make over… It would be easy … just slip an extra S in there. Who wouldn’t go to a place called Mount Dessert Island? The visions of cupcakes, and bunt cakes, makes the idea not half-baked. Although here it would be more appropriate to line the street with popovers, pies, and ice-cream stands. All three of which are well established and/or plentiful on the island. I’m sure I’m not the first to suggest this, nor will I be the last. But Mainers’ will do what Mainers do… just smile and go about their business of not letting anyone into their business. And if that doesn’t work and you are still going on about your ideas they will fix it with what they fix everything… a short little piece of duct tape strategically placed should do the trick. I’m not kidding. It seems to be the running joke… they have whole books on the subject and I could probably write a whole blog on it but that would be called plagiarism. I couldn’t imagine half the uses/jokes Mainer’s have come up with for this universal fix-all. And with that you realize Mainers have more in common with red-necks than you would think… but that’s an entirely different blog. Lol.

So where do I go from here? Ahhh yes, Adah came to visit last week. It was a great visit and what was particularly fun for me was to see Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park through her eyes. She worked here for a season about 15 years ago. It was surprising to me how little has changed. Sure… a restaurant here or a shop there but for the most part the island has remained as she remembered it. That was very cool! There are not many places you can say that about.

This is not to say Bar Harbor is backwards or old fashioned in their ideas. As a vacation destination, it has progressed with the times. The Lobster Pounds take credit cards now, Internet cafes have infiltrated Cottage St, and campgrounds now have more RV sites than tent sites all without ruining the island experience. Just recently they successfully defended a referendum that would have allowed big “box” stores. It is really nice to know that the future of the quaint and overpriced shops in town will be here for the next generations. Seriously though, it’s a good thing because just a few miles off the island you can find Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowes, and a variety other 10K+ square ft stores and I suppose keeping the balance of box vs. non box / on shore vs. off shore keeps the balance of a healthy tourist economy for both.

But I digress… during Adah’s visit we finally took a drive around the entire “park loop” of Acadia. Her narrative was priceless as we maneuvered the cliffs overlooking Seal Harbor, Thunder Hole, Cadillac Mountain, and so on… I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. One thing you will notice is that it was wet, foggy, and chilly. Where is my summer? Rumor has it this is the wettest June since ever! And we are averaging 10 degrees under the norm… aside from that… it is fabulous here! Lol.

And someday the weather will be nice enough to see more than the entrances to the hike trails and carriage roads… but until then the best I can do are the do’s and don’ts of the local fare:

  • Galyn’s for lunch on Main St, Bar Harbor – Do
  • Town Hill Market for Pizza – Don’t
  • Jordan’s Pond House in Acadia for just about anything – Do
  • 2 Cats for breakfast, Bar Harbor – Do Do Do
  • Ruth & Wimpy’s Kitchen, Hancock - local greasy spoon… if you must… then – Do
  • Thirsty Whale, Bar Harbor – lobster rolls and local banter – Do
  • China Hill, Trenton – the obligatory Chinese joint in Ellsworth – Don’t ever
  • Mainly Meat and Atlantic Brewery, Town Hill for the obvious - Do

Peace, Love, and Tasty Rain Drops, barbie

I almost forgot... Sign of the Day: I was thinking... Why is that Frisbee getting so Big, and then it hit me!

Link to more pictures:

Mount Desert Isle… where?

Bar Harbor sent out its best weather as a welcoming committee… it has been wicked cold by Florida standards (in the 60’s) and it’s been raining off and on for two weeks. Funny thing is… if the sun peaks out a minimum of an hour… a Mainer will call it a nice day. I sure hope it warms up in June. That’s life on Mt. Desert Isle, Bar Harbor, and our home for the summer.
Meanwhile we started working at the Camp and that’s been interesting to say the least. I won’t call it hard work… just a wee bit chaotic getting it opened for the season. Ironically there are at least 3 other couples from the sunshine state. It seems the Maine is a hotspot for Floridians… who’da thuck it?
We are the only gyrlie-gyrls working here at the KOA… well if you don’t count our manager. The team is a fairly good cross section of America… I suppose if the 10% rule is accurate; then we are the gay quota at the KOA. As for the hetros, we are still feeling our way through. Most are very nice and relatively open minded… at least one of the couples is “a wee bit” homophobic but tolerable… so far... as long as they don’t demand equal rights or anything. It’s not very often we get a boss that bats for our team. For me, that means we get the best shifts… comp tour tickets, and of course the laughter that comes with the witty inside jokes that only “we” and an avid Will and Grace watchers could hope to understand. The rest of the team is great and I think we are gonna like it here.
OK so much for work, you don’t really want to hear about that anyway. You want to hear about the fun stuff… like golf, the spectacular places to see, the fascinating history, and all the little gems of local lore that I’m guessing are more amusing than fact... more CZ (cubic zirconium) than diamond. But hey, CZ is very hip in “green” circles… I’m just saying.
So far we have toured around Acadia on our own and taken a ride on Ollie’s Trolley. Our tour guide on the trolley Santo was as entertaining as he was informative. We would recommend the ride to all first timers as a good overview of the park and parts of town of Bar Harbor. Some of the highlights we saw were:

  • Jordan’s Pond House Restaurant that is famous for Popovers and Tea, very yummy! On a nice day you can sit on the granite paved patio or out in the lawn sip tea and marvel at the view of Bubble Rock.

  • The Wild Gardens of Acadia, its nature trail, and the Sieur de Mont Springs. The mission of the gardeners is to save the endangered indigenous species of mount Desert Isle. (see obligatory flower pictures) a must for plants and nature lovers.

  • The Sandy Beach : The spot is quite nice and has a moderately difficult hike but well worth the effort that skirts the inlet along the rocky cliffs give you a unique vantage point of the inlet/beach. It is also the beach depicted in the movie “Cider House Rules”.

CZ tidbit: A group of "Ruskin’s"(as the early settlers are called) were drawn to the island after seeing a painting by an artist painted depicting its blue-green waters. (Not quite the Caribbean but blue green none the less).

For those of you that are fans of the Oregon coast, Maine is for you. It is rocky, not crowded, and the water temperature is… well let say… for the really hearty folk.

I feel like we have barely seen the tip of the iceberg on what is here but so far I think it’s GORGEOUS!

  • The carriage roads built by Rockefeller when he owned the land. Some of the carriages are still driven by gentleman and/or their sons that worked for John D Rock Jr. and is a nice way to tour the interior of the Island. (So we are told, we haven’t had the time yet. :)

CZ tidbit: Rockefeller Jr. also offered to build a high school on the island and fund it in perpetuity as long as they put his name on it. The locals voted it down. Mainers don’t like uppity folk that tell them what to do or how to do it.

Thunder Hole is a naturally formed crevice that when the tide comes in creates a thunderous noise and shoots water on unsuspecting tourists similar to Splash Mountain at Disney World. Of course, the tide was out when we stopped by… bummer. But I did get some great pictures… my favorite was the green mossy growth that splits its’ habitat between salt water and salt air based on the tide. It looks like it could have been the inspiration for creation shag carpeting.

Well that's all for now... I hope you’ve enjoyed our time together… and I hope you came back real soon, ya here?

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